Begin Your Journey

From Resentment to Forgiveness

Do you have a mindset that allows you to experience love and peace of mind ...?

Many of us have been taught by masters how to get upset and stay upset.  Some of us may even pride ourselves on our ability to hold a grudge. But, let's face it, it isn't the healthiest thing for us to do, emotionally or physically. And it certainly doesn't put us in an energetic position to attract good things into our lives. So, while we may have a right to be angry, we also have a right to be free.

While we may be willing to admit it would be good for us to let go of our 
resentments (towards ourselves as well as others), we may struggle with the idea of forgiveness. However, understand that forgiveness does not mean condoning or excusing harmful behavior. It means that we set ourselves free from the prison of resentment, so we can experience the peace and joy we deserve.

If that sounds like something you'd like, tap with us. :)

From Resentment to Forgiveness

In this engaging series of four one-hour teleclass recordings, success mindset 
expert Brad Yates takes you through experiential exercises to clear internal 
blocks to greater peace, and enhance your ability to create the life you truly 
desire. As you build a more loving mindset, you will find that peace and joy
become more natural.

On the calls, we work through the issues that keep us stuck in resentment.
Participants bring up what stops them, and we tap to clear those blocks.
Even if the issues we work on don't sound exactly like what you are experiencing, 
don't be surprised as you find your specific blocks being cleared. Of course, don't be surprised if you find that the issues brought up are "right on the money" for you! Either way, you will benefit from the work being done.

Your limiting beliefs and perspectives will be shifted, creating greater freedom for happiness! As you clear limiting beliefs, you will see yourself more profoundly
as someone worthy of love and joy, and will more naturally make choices and take 
actions that result in greater peace of mind!

The potential value to your life is incalculable, but the price is 
only $47. 

Ready for more freedom...? 

Note: We will be using EFT/Tapping and guided imagery during these calls. In registering for this series, you are accepting that you will take full responsibility for your well-being.