April 1 - April 30, 2018
All Day

Tapping into Your

Money Magnet Mindset

We allow into our lives the amount of money that our subconscious mind believes is right/safe/okay for us.

If you want to change the amount of money you have, you’ll need to change your mind about money.

Join us for Money Magnet Mindset to do just that!

To make it available to as many folks around the world as possible, I’ll be offering classes at two different times. 

The first class will be on April 2nd, but there are online exercises you can start using today – so you don’t need to wait to start cultivating a better relationship with money.

There’s even a new exclusive video available when you register. 

Check it out here: Money Magnet Mindset

“I am…”

These are powerful words. What do you currently attach to them, and what would you like to attach to them…?

Money Magnet Mindset – Online eCourse + Live Teleclasses

We allow into our lives the amount of money that our subconscious mind believes is right/safe/okay for us.

If you want to change the amount of money you have, you’ll need to change your mind about money.









50% Complete

Two Step

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