
Tapping into Success Beyond Belief!

As mentioned on the workshop page, registration implies agreement with the following:

EFT Workshop with Brad Yates – Waiver

I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in an EFT workshop given by Brad Yates, which may also include the use of guided imagery.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an experimental therapy which has yielded impressive results in treating physical and psychological issues. However, it is not meant to replace standard medical and/or mental health counseling.  While there are theories about how or why EFT works, or why it doesn’t work, there is no recognized scientific explanation.  Because this work is experimental in nature, one cannot predict whether this technique will be helpful for a particular person with a particular problem.

While there have been no documented negative side effects from using EFT when the proper treatment protocols have been followed, this does NOT mean that I will not experience side effects.

By attending this class, I agree to take full responsibility for my own emotional and physical health and wellbeing throughout this workshop and thereafter. I agree NEVER to hold Brad Yates or Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, or anyone else associated with EFT liable for any side effects or results of the treatment.

I understand that while many people have experienced impressive results from this work, there is no guarantee that I will experience the same results.

I also agree to respect the confidentiality of all participants in this workshop and to refrain from repeating or discussing personal details that may be shared as part of the event.

Following the workshop, by using these techniques on my own physical, emotional or personal issues, or on others, I agree to take full responsibility for my own physical and emotional well-being and I will advise anybody I choose to work with to do the same.

Note: Should you experience heightened emotional and/or physical distress during the process, I will do what I can to provide assistance, but we can provide no assurance that this assistance will bring relief.

50% Complete

Two Step

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